See our massage waiver below.

Massage Waiver Agreement

I give my consent to receive massage therapy services from Coco Chi Massage. I have clearance from my physician to receive massage therapy.

I understand the massage therapist does not diagnose illnesses or injuries or prescribe medications. I have informed the massage therapist of any relevant allergies, injuries, health conditions, or changes in health that may be impacted by massage therapy services and understand any potential risks due to my condition(s). I understand the potential risks of receiving massage therapy services which include, but are not limited to:

  • Short-term muscle soreness, superficial bruising, or exacerbation of an undiscovered injury

I therefore release Coco Chi Massage and the individual massage therapist from all liability, claims, or damages concerning injuries related to massage therapy services provided. I understand that the services I receive are for the basic purpose of relaxation and muscle relief.

I understand it is my responsibility to immediately inform the massage therapist of any pain or discomfort during the session, so they may adjust accordingly. I understand that I may ask the massage therapist questions about my massage therapy services at any time.

I understand that I or the massage therapist may terminate the session at any time. I understand that any illicit or sexually suggestive insinuations, remarks, or advances will result in immediate termination of the session. I agree and understand this consent and liability release will apply to and govern the current and future sessions with Coco Chi Massage and the individual massage therapist.